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SIBO/IMO hydrogen-methane breath test (english version)

The hydrogen-methane breath test involves measuring hydrogen (H2) and methane (CH4) in exhaled air with control of the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration as a quality marker of a correctly collected air sample.The breath testing process is simple, convenient, and non-invasive. It's a simple first step to identify or rule out digestive issues such as Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth (IMO).

O badaniu
O badaniu

The hydrogen-methane breath test is a non-invasive diagnostic test helpful in determining small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and methanogens (archaea) in the intestine (IMO – Intestinal Methanogen Overgrowth). The test is performed after oral administration of lactulose solution and measurement of the level of hydrogen and methane in the exhaled air at time intervals. During the examination, patients may experience bloating, abdominal pain, or loose stools. The test duration is a 180 minutes. During this time, it is recommended to lack of physically inactive and remain at rest until the measurements are completed. It is necessary to properly prepare the patient for the examination. By ordering the test via our e-shop, you will receive a kit for easy and safe self-collection of exhaled air. You will receive detailed instructions from us on how to prepare for the examination and how to collect exhaled air. After collecting the samples, simply send the material for analysis to our laboratory by courier. We will send you the results in English by e-mail.

The hydrogen-methane breath test is the highest standard for SIBO and IMO diagnostics

The gases detected in the test are produced in the intestines only by bacteria and archeon, hence their increased concentration in the exhaled air is an indicator of bacterial overgrowth. An additional parameter increasing the quality of the hydrogen-methane breath test is the assessment of the correctness of exhaled air collection in the tested sample thanks to the additional measurement of CO2 concentration. Additional measurement of CO2 concentration is the quality control of each sample collected so you can feel confident in each breath sample evaluated.

Kiedy warto wykonać?

Badanie warto wykonać w przypadku:

The test is for people suffering from:

  • bloating
  • flatulence, gas
  • stomachache
  • overflowing in the stomach
  • unwell after taking probiotics and/or raw vegetables and fruits
  • diarrhea
  • constipation
  • skin problems
  • suspected small intestinal microbiota overgrowth (SIBO) and methanogen (IMO)
  • chronic fatigue
Kiedy i jak otrzymasz wyniki?

Po jakim czasie i jak otrzymasz wyniki?

How long are the results expected?

You will receive the result by e-mail a maximum of 7 days after the samples have been delivered to our laboratory.

Depending on your preferences, you will get the results:

  • in electronic version
    • cost PLN 0 – select this option after going to the cart
  • in paper version (by traditional mail)
    • if you choose this option, we will add a PLN 15 fee for shipping the results to your order – select this option after going to the cart
Pliki do pobrania

Pliki do pobrania

Przed badaniem


Contraindications to the test

  • known hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the preparation included in the kit – lactulose
  • diagnosed or suspected hereditary fructose intolerance
  • antibiotic therapy currently being taken or in the last 4 weeks
  • colonoscopy, fluoroscopy, small intestine fluoroscopy using the Sellink method in the last 4 weeks
  • age under 7 years, unless the doctor decides otherwise
Jak się przygotować?


How to prepare for the test?

Proper preparation of the patient for the test is crucial and is the most important factor in a properly performed test.

Seven days before the test:

  • you should stop using laxatives and prokinetic agents: lactulose, itopride (trade names: Prokit, Zirid), cisapride (trade name: Gasprid) and metoclopramide (trade name: Metoclopramidum polpharma), as well as medicines containing trimebutin (trade names: Debretin, Debridat, Tribux and Ircolon) – please contact your doctor

Three days before the examination:

  • stop taking probiotics

On the day before the examination:

  • in case of constipation, before the test, a low-fermentation diet should be implemented (no complex carbohydrates, no milk and dairy products) – recommended consumption of white rice, white bread, meat, eggs
  • do not eat products such as onion, leek, garlic, cabbage, beans or any pickled vegetables
  • avoid milk and/or fruit juices, eat your last meal (not too heavy, not containing fiber) at least 14 hours before the start of the test
  • within 14 hours before the start of the test, you are allowed to drink only water

On the day of the examination:

  • it is recommended to brush your teeth
  • people wearing dentures cannot use glue
  • it is recommended to drink a glass of warm water
  • you can take medicines (except vitamins, laxatives and antibiotics) with plain water
  • there is no need to discontinue drugs from the group of proton pump inhibitors – PPIs
  • do not smoke or chew gum at least 2 hours before the test
  • avoid physical activity – you should also avoid movement and physical exertion during the test
Pobieranie i dostarczenie materiału
Jak dostarczyć materiał?

Jak dostarczyć materiał?


You can collect the exhaled air for the hydrogen-methane breath test for SIBO/IMO yourself at home and send it to our laboratory for testing. However, remember to prepare properly. Reserve about 180 minutes to collect the material. During this time you cannot: sleep, engage in physical activity, walk, drink, eat, chew gum and smoke cigarettes.

Zobacz jak przygotować materiał

Prepare a collection kit from the Institute of Microecology and complete the data on the test order. Collect air into sample 1 on an empty stomach (at least 14 hours after your last meal). Ensure that the collection of exhaled air into each sample follows the collection technique described below.

Hold the EasySampler device in one hand and a collection tube in the other hand. You will only exhale once per each sample collection.

Take a normal (not deep) breath in, close your mouth around the mouthpiece then blow out normally. Exhale once per each sample collection. As you exhale, the bag fills with air. Keep it inflated. (There is a small hole in the bag, this in intentional). During your exhalation, insert the test tube into the needle holder completely so the stopper on the tube is punctured.


Remove the test tube after 1-2 seconds. Keep the bag inflated until after the test tube is removed from the test tube holder.

Complete the tube label provided. Make certain you label the Sample # correctly or your results will be inconclusive. Write your name and the number of samples taken on the labels #1 – take the first sample before drinking lactulose.

Then drink lactulose and measure the first 30 minutes. After that, follow the next instructions.

Sample Collection Time:

  • #2 – 30 min after drink
  • #3 – 45 min after drink
  • #4 – 60 min after drink
  • #5 – 75 min after drink
  • #6 – 90 min after drink
  • #7 – 105 min after drink
  • #8 – 120 min after drink
  • #9 – 150 min after drink
  • #10 – 180 min after drink

Place the air samples in protective bags and cardboard packaging along with the completed test order, and return to the laboratory for analysis immediately. Your breath sample is only stable for 5 days after collection.

Send a shipment of material at the beginning of the week (Monday-Wednesday):

Instytut Mikroekologii
ul. Sielska 6
60-129 Poznań

Want your material picked up by a medical courier?

Choose a package with material pickup (works only in Poland) when you go to the shopping cart.

EKO MED 105 zł

This package includes:

  • shipment of the collection kit to you
  • collection of the material from you by medical courier and delivery to our laboratory
  • results in electronic version

MED 120 zł

This package includes:

  • shipment of the collection kit to you
  • collection of the material from you by medical courier and delivery to our laboratory
  • results sent by post in paper version

  • Remember that the collected material must arrive at the laboratory of the Institute of Microecology in Poznan, 6 Sielska Street, within 5 days of collection.

  • After collecting the material, store the tubes at room temperature.
  • During transport, the material does not require refrigeration – regardless of air temperature.
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Nasi specjaliści chętnie odpowiedzą na Twoje pytania. Codziennie, od poniedziałku do piątku możesz porozmawiać z naszymi dietetykami, diagnostami oraz innymi specjalistami. Bezpłatne konsultacje odbywają się w wyznaczonych godzinach i działają na zasadzie linii otwartej – wystarczy, że zadzwonisz w wybranym dniu do specjalisty, w godzinach konsultacji.

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